You need a GAMECHANGER custom orthotic to prevent Over Pronation.

Over Pronation- 

It makes you feel sore, even after just walking. You don’t do well taking high drops.

  1. Your arch flattens too much upon impact causing your ankles to roll/lean inward.
  2. This throws your ankles and subsequently knees, hips and back out of alignment.
  3. Your joint mechanics perform and absorb impact unevenly which leaves you sore and more likely to develop acute injury such as torn acl, sprained ligaments and early arthritis.

 Gamechangers insoles custom mold to your exact footshape and prevent your Over Pronation. The result is a dramatic loss of pain/ soreness, prevention of injury and added balance and support.


You need an impact absorbing insole without arch support to combat Supination.


The exact opposite of Over Pronation. Your arch is too high which causes your ankle to roll outwards upon impact.

  • You tend to roll and sprain your ankle
  • Get heel bruises
  • More likely to break your ankle.

Because your ankle leans outwards, orthotics/arch support will generally be ineffective. Most impact is sent to your heels and forefoot so you need as much impact protection as possible. This is why Footprint have specially made their kingfoam insoles series for you.


Neutral Alignment


The ideal type of arch. Your ankle should stay evenly centered and your ankle should pronate ( ease down) upon impact but not too much.

 If you have no symptoms, any kingfoam insole should be fine and will stop impact/shock energy from entering your body.

 If you get sore after repetitive impact or high impact sports it is a sign you may be over pronating and should use a custom orthotic.

 Wearing a Gamechanger will keep your arch in neutral alignment.